The new Alberta Liquor and Gaming warehouse located in St. Albert, Alberta presented a unique challenge in providing a complete lighting controls solution that included a very large warehouse facility, corporate office space, and site. Working closely with the consultant and the electrical contractor, Wow Lighting and Controls determined that the nLight wire control system by Acuity Brands would provide the customer with the flexibility and level of control that the client required for the space.
In the warehouse space, each of the LED highbays has been fitted with an individual control power pack, giving the client individual fixture control. Using programming, the individual fixtures have been grouped together in aisle configurations so that all of the fixtures in each aisle work together as one. Each aisle can be independently controlled at one of the 2 master switch locations using the nLight graphic wall pod. The touchscreen controllers also give the client the ability to switch larger zones as well as the whole warehouse from the same location. If in the future the configuration of the racking is to change, the lighting controls can easily be reconfigured through simple programming to meet the requirements of the new design. In the case of a future expansion, the existing system is completely scalable to simply add new devices to the system and added to the programming.
In the corporate offices, the use of distributed controls was determined to be the best solution to provide the client with most flexible and scalable control system to meet their requirements for both the present and the future. Each zone was given the specific control equipment required to meet the controls narrative for that specific space, include requirements for dimming, occupancy sensor control, and emergency lighting where needed. All zones are networked together using the nLight back bone devices to an nLight Eclypse gateway. The complete network allows the client to access any device in the offices system through the free Sensorview software. They are also able to run time based functions and adjust specific device settings if required.
The Ecylpse gateway installed for the office is also controlling the site lighting including the yard and parking lot lights. Through the use of power packs connected to the Eclypse gateway, the site lighting is controlled via an astronomical time clock to turn on shortly before dusk and turn off shortly after dawn. Since the time clock is astronomical, the client does not have to worry about picking specific times for the lights to come on and turn off as that is determined by preprogrammed sunrise and sunset times for each day. The system also accounts for daylight savings times as well.